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Mpc - Prostata Corrector

Mpc - Prostata Corrector


For men to counteract candida, hypertrophy, or other unhealthy conditions of the prostate. The premier prostate problem corrector and support formula, this formula provides nutrition that encourages a healthy prostate gland and provides a feeling of well being. Its specific nutritional focus helps reduce congestion, inflammation, and swelling while promoting enhanced circulation.Works well with formulas #4 and M+. Often used along with formula Mpr for improved results.


COUNT: 60 capsules

RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-2 capsules up to twice a day for 1-6 months, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance.

INGREDIENTS: Pau D'Arco (Bark), RNA/DNA Prostate Factors, Ginkgo (Leaves), Pau D'Alho (Leaves), RNA/DNA Orchic Tissue Factors, RNA/DNA Thymus Tissue Factors, RNA/DNA Pituitary Tissue Factors, RNA/DNA Hypothalamus Tissue Factors, Golden Seal (Root), Echinacea Purpurea (Root), Thyme (Whole).

WARNING: May cause Niacin Flush. Arginine may aggravate the herpes complex.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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